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Welcome to the Technical Documentation Homepage for our Dedicated Team specializing in creating unique and high-quality FiveM scripts!

Who we are

At Scriptforge, we take great satisfaction in producing custom FiveM scripts designed to improve your gaming experience. Our team is available to offer you top-notch solutions whether you're a dedicated FiveM player, server owner, or developer trying to further your project.


The power to customize every part of your FiveM experience is at the core of our scripts, giving you unmatched control. Since each server or project has an own vision and set of requirements, we provide a wide range of customization choices through configuration settings and open-source server-side implementation.

Detailed Documentation

Our documentation plays a vital role in ensuring a seamless integration experience for our users. We understand that integrating scripts into an existing environment can be complex, and that's why we have invested significant effort in creating comprehensive and user-friendly documentation that guides you through the integration process step by step.

More scripts and vehicles

To explore our extensive collection of scripts and vehicles, please visit At, you'll find detailed information on all our available scripts and vehicles. Whether you're looking to enhance your server's functionality, improve gameplay mechanics, or add unique vehicles, our website is your ultimate destination for FiveM script and vehicle solutions.