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When working with the script, refer to this table to identify the available configuration entries and their corresponding data types, default values, and descriptions. Modify these entries as required to tailor the script's behavior to meet your specific requirements. Columns are explained below:

  • Variable: This column specifies the name of the configuration variable.

  • Type: This column indicates the data type associated with each configuration variable. Common types include string, number, bool, vector, table or other specific types relevant to the script requirements.

  • Default: This column provides the default value assigned to the configuration variable.

  • Description: This column provides a concise explanation of each configuration variable's purpose, function, or significance within the system. It helps users understand the role and impact of each variable and how it affects the script behavior.


Languagestring"en"Changes language of the script
BetItemstringmoneyChanges type of payment, you can choose between money, bank or any itemName
BetstableChanges values of bets (starting from minimum to maximum)
WinChancestableChanges chance of each multiplier win (read this to test it)